Better than I thought...
I am using a MacBook Air, 3, 2 (i7-1.86 GHz; 2GB RAM; 256 SSD; OS 10.6.8; NVIDIA GeFx-320M), and it runs surprizingly well. I had to lower some of the graifics options, but I was able to play through the entire game. I changed some of the bindings to a USB Xbox 360 controller, though I could not get the right stick to function instead of the mouse, so I played it with the controller in my left hand, and a USB mouse in the right. Though I could change the keyboaed bindings to the above-mentioned controller, I could get nothing with the contrller options in the game to do anything at all.
But I played through the game with acceptable performance and no crashes.
I eat flies about
The Darkness II